After the occupation of the new ward block D (surgery), a further construction phase is now being realised with the renovation of ward block C (medicine). The wards on the 4 upper floors will be given a uniform floor plan structure. The patient rooms will be enlarged, have new bathrooms and will thus be adapted to today's standards.
Large windows and clear glass balustrades on the balcony level improve the spatial room quality and allow patients lying in bed to enjoy a beautiful view of the valley. The light that falls on the floor is reflected on the walls and ceiling.
The south façade with the balcony layer in front is given a uniform, rhythmic expression in terms of materialisation and scale and is thus in harmony with the other new building façades. But function also becomes a poetic element, because it can only be realised through architectural means: Space, structure, light, material and colour.
1999 - 2002
Foundation Rätisches Kantons- und Regionalspital Chur
Planning team:
Architect's office Silvia Gmür + Livio Vacchini, Basel
Site management:
Walter Dietsche, Chur