The project is determined by unity and duality, mathematics and harmony, rule and freedom, house and landscape. The themes are complex. The solution is a synthesis that, despite its radical implementation, creates spaces of great poetry. The house is not rooted to its ground, but set apart from it, conveying a floating sense of space. Space and nature are not symbiotic but two identities in the closest dialogue.
According to its inner logic, the project pursues the basic questions inherent in architecture. The disposition of the two houses on two different levels and the organisation of the interior and exterior spaces are done in a contrapuntal manner achieving identity and autonomy. The static structure - consisting of two space-containing concrete columns for the adjoining rooms - illustrates the duality. The construction and finishing materials are uniform. This reduction makes the landscape, which is present everywhere, appear even more impressive.
The house, as a refuge and intimate space, sets itself apart from the surrounding nature, but at the same time opens up to the imposing landscape of Lake Maggiore, the mountains of the Sopraceneri, the Gotthard and the Piedmont. The interior finds its limits not in the glass façades but in the vast natural surroundings.
2007 - 2011
Silvia Gmür
Planning phases:
Planning and construction of new building
Joao Machado, Appien Battistini, Sunkoo Kang
Hélène Binet