Conversion of operating theatre area
he University Hospital Zurich is forming a competence centre in the north wing 2 with the integration of the Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery into the operating theatre area of the Eye and ORL Clinic. This requires the installation of a new operating theatre and the reorganisation of the adjoining room zone.
The operating theatre is located on the 2nd floor. The new walkway in the inner courtyard provides access to the operating theatre zone from the existing lifts from the south and creates space in the centre to integrate a further operating theatre into the series of existing ones.
The clear and well-arranged access serves to ensure the smooth running of the operating theatre. The generous outdoor space of the transfer ward, recovery and monitoring unit, passerelle and waiting zone creates spatial quality in the intensively used area.
In order to reduce its presence in the small inner courtyard, the new structure of the passerelle is almost dematerialised by the mirrored surfaces. The existing wall relief is thus continued in a new way and is not interrupted.
The adjoining rooms to the south of the operating theatre corridor are enlivened by the green colour of the floor covering, which is the connecting element in this area with its heterogeneous room structure.
The ventilation in all operating theatres will be adapted to the current SWKI 99-3 standard. The other building services installations will be adapted to the changed floor plan and the current standards.
2006 - 2012
Reconstruction of the operating theatre area for the Eye Clinic, Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinic for Ear, Nose, Throat and Facial Surgery (ORL).
Planning phases:
Planning and execution and conversion
Overall management/architecture:
Silvia Gmür Reto Gmür Architekten, Basel
Project management:
Fabian Früh
Judith Lenzen, Kasia Schikarski, Florian Pischetsrieder
Ruedi Walti