Competition 2007-2008 - Project and Construction 2013-2021
The new building project of the Bürgerspital Solothurn is the result of an international competition for a new hospital with 290 beds as well as departments for operations, births, intensive care, day clinic and emergency on the existing site of the current hospital. The current hospital is to remain in full operation during the construction period.
The design envisages a new building arranged in an L-shape, which will be built around the existing building. In place of the old buildings, a spacious park will be created as a centre towards which the new hospital will be oriented once the new complex is completed.
The new building consists of a two-storey base (for public areas, examination and treatment areas respectively) on which the structure of the wards rests.
The basic structure forms a continuous unit, even though each part is characterised by a specific typology.
The typology of the base is linear, flexible and expandable, while the structure built on top of it consists of concentric units.The base building, with its peripheral public areas and daylight filtered through the inner courtyards, has the character of a mosque, while the floors of the wards are oriented towards the residential type of monastic cells. While the former follows the rational and ascertainable needs of the institution, the more private areas of the wards give primary importance to the need for intimacy and that of belonging to a community.
The two-bed rooms offer each of the two patients an individual area and allow them both a view of the surroundings.
The sunshade elements that filter the light are integrated into the façade. This transition zone forms the filter between private privacy and public space.
The relationship between space and light and the structure as a design element are the cornerstones of this project.
2013 - 2021
First Minergie-Eco hospital in Switzerland
Solothurn structural engineering office, building department.
Planning phases:
Competition 2007-2008 (1st prize)
Project and construction 2013-2021
General planning team:
Silvia Gmür Reto Gmür Architects, Basel
Walter Dietsche Baumanagement AG, Chur
Eicher + Pauli, Berne
Project lead:
Alexander Wagner, Veton Kasapi
Moritz Agné, José Aguirre, Luiz Alves, André Bateira, Appien Batistini, Fabien Barrénéchéa, Kresimir Franciskovic, Fabian Früh, Elisa Gutermuth, Sungkoo Kang, Jonathan Laskar, Judith Lenzen, Aleksander Maciak, Claudia Mion, Philipp Müller, Carla Nocera, Andrea Perletti, Joachim Pfeffinger, Guido Stork, Tiago Trigo, Kasia Schikarski, Nicole Schulze, Charlotte Viarouge, Christian Wendtlandt, Jacek Wojtasik, James Wong, Mateusz Załuska
Art on the building:
Gido Wiederkehr
Katja Schenker
Christoph Haerle
Luca Ferrario
Ralph Feiner
Reto Gmür